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GraphTools ► Root Folder

The information for all projects is stored in a folder called the "Root Folder". The Root Folder tool is an infrequently used tool to redirect data storage for all projects. If, instead, you wish to work with multiple data sets (projects) then use the Projects tool. The following are some reasons to use the Root Folder tool:

The Root Folder tool is accessed via the application menu item (  File  Root Folder...  ). The figure below diagrams the Root Folder tool.

Use the Root Folder tool in the following ways.

When you redirect the Root Folder then all your previous data appears to be lost. That is because it is dereferenced. To retrieve a reference to previous data use the Root Folder tool to direct the Root Folder to the previous Root Folder. Remember: The Root Folder tool does not delete or move data, it simply defines a reference to where data is stored and retrieved.

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