Graph User Manual

GraphTools ► Purpose

The Purpose tool is used to refine the purpose of the Graph application. Touching a row in the table converts the user interface to the specific purpose.

The two interface modes are defined as follows:

Expert : The expert mode is based on nesting of features. To access those features you must navigate back and forth between the nesting levels.

Easy : Selecting a purpose places the interface in an easy-to-use format where the interface is restricted only to what is required to satisfy the purpose. As such, the purpose interface is more efficient and easy to use, however it also sacrifices a powerful nested navigation metaphor and generality.

Either way, Easy or Expert, there are options to help satisfy your task at hand. If a purpose is grayed out then touch it to buy Vvidget. The Vvidget application includes the grayed purpose as well as all the other features, does not have ads and is available at a modest price.

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