Graph IDE ► Controls ► Number Selector
The Number Selector is a control that adjusts the value of a single number (scalar) and is shown below.
Selecting a Stepper brings forward the Number Selector. The buttons increment or decrement the number by values of 1, 5 or 10 respectively as shown on the button. The number can be typed into the text field or adjusted via the slider. Other buttons set options to round the number or revert to the number that was used when the selector first came forward.
Steppers appear on many of the inspector editors, for example the Graphics editor has one near the stroke width text field entry as well as many other places.
On rare occasion, the Number Selector is placed in differential mode meaning that the scalar represents an increment instead of a absolute value. Currently, the only place that happens is for the dash pattern. In addition, the Number Selector can be set to implement heuristics such as keeping the number positive or within a certain interval. For example, the stroke width can never be less than zero. Those types of logic are implemented implicitly and there is no indication within the user interface unless the number is typed (meaning it has a unit).
If the increment is non-unit (not one) then that delta increment appears above the buttons and each button has a greek delta symbol to indicate as such, for example in the figure below.
If the number being adjusted has a unit then the unit symbol (if any) appears on each button and the unit name appears in the value label at the bottom right of the selector.
As much as possible, all controls also have units such as points, degrees, etc. and each graph may have a user-specified unit which will show up on the Number Selector.