Graph IDE ► Graphs ► Multiple Coordinate Graph
A Multiple Coordinate Graph is similar to the Single Coordinate Graph except the graph manages and shows more than one coordinate within its frame. The issue then becomes one of assigning data points to one coordinate v.s. another. For that purpose, the Multiple Coordinate Graph defines a focused coordinate index. That index must be set before creating data graphics on the graph.
The figure below shows a typical use of a multiple coordinate graph. The concept is to show how pressure changes in relation to temperature over time. The pressure would be shown by a blue curve, bar, etc. and the temperature by a red curve, bar or other graphical element(s), thus color distinguishes which coordinate the data goes with. Another way to view this data would be with a Single Coordinate Graph showing pressure v.s. temperature with a trajectory graphic where the parametric variable is time. There are reasons to show both formats.
Note that the scope of this implementation is limited by Graph IDE's User Interface to only rectangular coordinates and one x-axis. This may be relaxed to permit many more combinations of coordinates in the future.
The following figure shows 4 y-axes and one log x-axis. In all, there can be up to 16 y-axes of type None, Log, Linear and one x-axis of type Linear, Log or Date. That gives hundreds of permutations of coordinate types.
Inspector Editor
The Metrics Editor for the Multiple Coordinate Graph is described below. Notice how this description is the same as for the Single Coordinate Graph except for the coordinate selection controls.
Automatically Reset Fields And Graph
Set Using Auto Scaler : Selecting this button autoscales the graph according to the settings in the Auto Scaler inspector.
Coordinate Axis Selection
Mouse Focus : You focus on a coordinate system to add data and graphics to that coordinate system which is represented and displayed by the graph's axes. In the case of multiple coordinates on one area you first need to define the coordinate to focus on. Use this setting for that purpose. Because there is only one x-axis the setting relates to one of 16 y-axis.
Edit : You can edit any one of sixteen separate y-axis limits. To do so, first select the y-axis to edit. Y-axis are ordered by closest to the graph frame to furthest away. So, left y-axis, right y-axis, 2nd left-y-axis, 2nd right-y-axis and so on for eight y-axes on the left and eight on the right. Once the Axis Number To Edit is set then the limits entries are for a single coordinate. For a definition of those limits entries see the Single Coordinate Graph section.
Type : The type of either the x-axis or y-axis. The Type can by Linear, Log or in the case of the y-axis None. When the type is changed, the graphics for that coordinate are remapped and the Axes Limits And Mapping controls are changed to reflect the new type. If the type None is selected then graphics associated with that axis are deleted from the coordinate.
Axes Limits And Mappings
This specifies the actual limits of the coordinate system represented by the graph and those limits are defined at the graph frame. When you change these limits then you should also probably change the tick discretization limits to the same values. Note that the ticks "float" which is to say that they don't follow the Indigenous Coordinate Limits.
Apply : Updates the graph to correspond to the values shown above the button. Note that entering a value in a text field will not change the graph even if the return key is clicked. That is because all of the numbers are related and updating the graph based upon only one of the values can produce a inconsistent state.
The Indigenous Coordinates and Tick Discretization are all defined in their own units separate from any typographical requirement. Set that unit using the Unit Selector available on the inspector. Units appear in the Cursor Information and coordinate with the Spreadsheet. Units are informational only and will not transform the data on the graph or set the coordinate mapping.
Reference Frame
This specifies the reference frame location of the graph. Note that the reference frame is the frame that coincides with the Indigenous Coordinate Limits location but in graphic view coordinate.
Left Edge : The left edge of the graph in units and coordinate of the Graphic View.
Bottom Edge : The bottom edge of the graph in units and coordinate of the Graphic View.
Width : The width of the graph in units and coordinate of the Graphic View.
Height : The height of the graph in units and coordinate of the Graphic View.
One of the difficulties of a multiple coordinate graph is the sheer amount of attributes to set. Much like a Spreadsheet is used to control other representations, the multiple coordinate graph can also be controlled by a data source. One such data source is a Strip Chart where time series data (and transformed spectral data) can show up on a multiple coordinate graph. To facilitate that notion, the Character can be set.
Setting the Character to Strip Chart places the multiple coordinate graph under different input control than explained in this manual. For additional information see the Strip Chart User Manual.
Character : To set the character select the Character pop up button and then choose the Strip Chart character. Once set the Strip Chart inspector editor will be used. The Character can be reset from there by choosing the Universal character.
The Legend Editor for a Graph is described below. Legends are built from graphics on the graph's data layer so first place graphics on the graph, for example a Function (Curve) and then use this editor. Notice how this description is the same as for the Single Coordinate Graph. That is because although each graphic can be placed in a different coordinate system, those graphics are still only placed in the background or foreground data layer of the graph, just like for the single coordinate system situation.
Legend Group : The legend is a Group Graphic and is built automatically using the attributes specified below. Once the attributes below are specified then drag the legend near your graph on the document's Graphic View as it is also an element of a Palette. The legend is set to drag and drop to the overlay layer of the graphic view and not the data layer of the graph.
Descriptions : Each row of a legend has a description which can be edited into the text of the descriptions table. Those entries are stored in the description key of the graphic resource dictionary whose entry can be modified directly via the Expert inspector.
Legend Attributes
Data Layer : The legend is built from either the foreground or background data layer of the graph, but not both. See Layer for additional information.
Legend Type : Either Entry, Circle or Square. If circle or square then the legend marker is represented by a circle or rectangle respectively whose fill color is that of the represented graphic. If Entry then the marker queues of the marker, stroke or fill of the represented graphic.
Reverse : The row order of the legend is the draw order of the data layer. It makes sense that the draw order of the data goes from minimum to maximum value which is bottom to top but legends are constructed top to bottom. Reversing the legend order makes the legend appear be in the same order as the data magnitudes, which is a heuristic effect.
Regardless of the limitations of the above settings, once the legend is dragged onto the graphic view then it is independent and can be altered using Group Graphic controls. It can also be ungrouped, modified and regrouped for the most general alterations.
If the data graphics on the graph are altered then delete the previous legend and drag out the updated legend from this editor, i.e.: the legend is not attached to the data graphics once it is drag and dropped.