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Strip ChartInspector Editors ► Strip Chart Spectrum

When a Spectral Graph is dragged from the Spectrum inspector editor onto the document graphic view then that graph shows the Strip Chart Spectrum inspector editor. That editor is shown and described below.

Main Editor

Amplitude Settings and Values

These settings control the display of amplitudes (see Glossary for a definition of amplitude). Each amplitude is given an index from 1-16 and is called the channel index.

Y Axis Colors : Shows and changes the color of the associated curve. Select the color to change its value.

Y Axis Pop Up Button : Defines which y-axis is associated with the amplitude index and is used to select a number from 1 to 16, or Off if the amplitude is not to be displayed.


Strip Chart Spectrum : Select this pop up button to change back to the Universal character which is a general Multiple Coordinate Graph. If you choose Delete Specialization then the link to the strip chart is removed however the strip chart data and attributes (being a separate graph) is left intact.

Break Link : Select to break the link to the strip chart.

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