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Vvidget ServerExamples ► Dynamic Examples

Vvidget Server incorporates real-time, dynamic and high-transaction imaging technology. All figures in this manual are made on demand by Vvidget's imaging server called The Peer Visual Server. That server just made the following graph which shows your last 10 minutes of CPU use on your computer:

Note: If the graph does not image then that means the statistics module is disabled in the current configuration.

(Refresh your web browser to see the current time)
Click For A Print Version

If you put this HTML in your web page:

<img src=",300&width=600 height=300>

Where is the DNS name of your computer (such as, then you can view your computer's CPU usage from anywhere in the world in a web browser.

You can also make calendars of today:

Click For A Print Version

If you put this HTML in your web page:

<img src="" width=140 height=150>

Where is the DNS name of your computer (such as, then you can have updated calendars on your web site.

You can also mark dates (highlighted in yellow), such as the dates 4,6,9,25 as in this example:

by adding a selected_days_of_month key. For example, the calendar above was made with this URL:

<img src=",6,9,25" width=140 height=150>

If you use the URL then replace localhost with the name of your computer (as usual).

If you want, you can incorporate print calendars into your web site. To make a month for a calendar update the following selections and then click "Make Calendar":

Month:Year:Output Type:Submit:

You can view the source to this page and see the form that made the calendar and then incorporate that into your own web site.

With Graph IDE you can make very detailed information documents. Once you master a particular visual type then if you need to replicate it many times you can let the Peer Visual Server (an optional programmable graphing server) make them on demand for you just like the examples above.

You can also use the preconfigured functionality of the Peer Visual Server included in Vvidget Server to make graphs.

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