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Vvidget ServerWeb Programming ► Web URL

To use the Peer Visual Server in your web pages you will need to form a string. That string is called the Peer Visual URL. You can form that string using any computer, programming tool, web application server, or location in the world. If you want to experiment with a static chart then all you need do is type that string into your web page as you would any other piece of text.

To form the Peer Visual URL first see the specific URL type in any of the chapters in the dictionary section. For example, see the Pie Chart section to form the input string and append it to this following URL root:,height&

The following table defines the attribute fields shown in the URL above:

Field NameDescription
localhostThe name of the computer that the request is directed to. Use localhost for requests on your computer, or use a valid computer name for requests to other computers (such as
pvs_versionThe PVS version number for the format of the PVS-URL. This number is always 1 in the present version.
contactA string indicating who or from what the request came from.
chartThe chart keyword (do not change this).
widthThe width value of the resulting output.
height The height value of the resulting output.
output_typeThe output type. Its value is 1 for PNG, 2 for JPEG and 1005 for PDF output types.

For example, here is an actual Pie Chart Peer Visual URL:,200&chart_type=5&chart_subtype=0&chart_format_type=1&data_values=1%203%204%205%206&fill_color=AAAA00

If you click here then that string will be placed in the Address field of your web browser. Then you can modify it and click the Return key to see a new chart. You may want to copy the Peer-Visual chart URL shown above to a text editor first in order to modify it and then paste it into the Address field of your web browser.

Obviously, if you intend to program a web application you need to form the Peer Visual URL in code using your desired web application programming environment.

Connecting To The Internet

To publish to the web your computer must be connected to the Internet and the "Personal Web Sharing" in the System Preferences Sharing pane must be turned on. In addition, your computer must have a fixed DNS address (an Internet name). The Sharing pane will let you know what your address is. It states something like this: "View this computer's web sites at or your personal web site at". Alternatively, you can use a hosting service that has Vvidget Server installed on their computers.

Static Or Semi-Static Visuals

If you need a static chart of type supplied by the Peer Visual Server, then make the chart as specified above and then drag the resulting chart image from your web browser to your file system viewer (or use the save feature of your web browser). Rename the resulting file and include that file in your own web site resources as usual.

If your data is semi-static, for example varies once a day, then program your web application server to send a dynamic Peer Visual chart URL once a day and store the returned image on your file system for use by your server's web clients.

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