We boast the impressive features described below, but don't take our word for it. Seeing is believing. Use the secure login above or login as a guest using the following button.
Next Generation Web Apps
- Designed for one-millisecond full-page response times.
- W3C standards and validated. Special care has been taken to make responses very efficient - well beyond what is available otherwise.
- Doubling service growth every month which means halving overhead costs every month of sustained optimization.
- TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 "Grade A" at SSL Labs SSL Server Test. Dual stack IPv4 and IPv6.
- Uniform development of Web, Mobile, Desktop and Embedded applications. Does not use javascript libraries, plugins, popups or cookies.
- The first SOA micro service server on the Internet. Vends SOA requests, cloud documents and Web Apps.
- Start vending visuals without any programming to begin with and then proceed to more challenging implementations - never a limitation.
- So powerful that the IDE Web App can be used to make web apps.
The movie below shows it in action.