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Graph ► Tasks

When you operate Graph you first select an appropriate task using the Tasks tool. Once selected then you operate upon a task using all the features described in this manual including all the other Tools. The following sections describe Tasks features.

Set Of ScalarsDescribes the Set Of Scalars task, basically bar, column and pie charts.
Set Of 2D PointsDescribes the Set Of 2D Points task, basically line graphs.
3D PointsDescribes the 3D Points task. 3D points are represented on a 3D perspective graph in dot, label and line (trajectory) form.
Z ValuesDescribes the Z Values task. Z Values are a 2D grid of scalars interpreted as height in another orthogonal axis (the z axis). Such a representation can also be mapped onto a 2D point fill representation (a.k.a: heat map).
DensityDescribes the Density task. Densities are interpreted as values between 0 and 1 that represent the density of a 3D object on a regular grid.
Least SquaresDescribes the Least Squares task (linear regression).
MapShows how to work with a Map task.
PolynomialDescribes the Polynomial task.
Error BarsDescribes a task specific to error bar plotting.
HistogramsDescribes a task specific to making histograms of scalar data.

If you still do not know which task to select then see the Representations section.

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