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GraphTasks ► Set Of 2D Points

The Set Of 2D Points task plots curves, well not really. The longer explanation is that it plots sets of ordered sequences of pairs of scalars, but saying it plots curves is a lot easier. It also makes scatter plots and area graphs. With a little Skins manipulation it can also plot trajectories. Here are a few points regarding this task:

The figure below diagrams the Set Of 2D Points task.

While importing data using Tables or Fetch keep in mind that the format is a list of pair of numbers (2D points) separated by a blank.

Hovering the cursor over a curve or data point shows its values. Dragging the cursor over the chart scans one column of data (curve) at a time.

See Preferences for standard preference settings. In addition, the Set Of 2D Points task has the following preferences:

Bubble Scale FactorDefines the scale of the bubble third dimension. Set to zero for a scatter graph effect (no 3rd dimension).
Label TypeNone, Value or String. When setting the label type also enter the corresponding label data in either the Bubbles (Values) or Labels (Strings) table.

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