Graph User Manual

GraphSupport ► Date Graph

The Set Of 2D Points task supports date entry for the x-value. If you enter x-values in this format: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss.f where:

Date Fields
MMMonths, a number from 1 to 12
DDDays, a number from 1 to 31
YYYYYears, a four digit number
hhHours, a number from 0 to 24
mmMinutes, a number from 0 to 60
ssSeconds, a number from 0 to 60
fFraction of second, an integer

then the x-value is interpreted as a Gregorian date. The MM/DD/YYYY part is mandatory while the hh:mm:ss.f is optional. Here are some date entry examples:

12/1/2010A valid calendar date
12/1/2010 8:0:0A valid calendar date and time
12/1/2010 8An invalid time, the time part must contain two colons and three numbers.
12/1/99An invalid date, the date part must contain four decimals indicating the century.

The following are a few issues when working with dates:

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