Graph IDE ► Programming ► Perspective Graph
The following is API description specific to the Perspective Graph graphic.
@@method(public, instance) (void)autoscale;
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Call like this:
Autoscales the receiver. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)focus;
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Call like this:
Sets the focused layer to the receiver's foreground data layer. After this call any graphics that are inserted or appended are done so to the graph's foreground data layer. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void) rotateToPhi:(double)phiAngle theta:(double)thetaAngle psi:(double)psiAngle;
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Call like this:
Rotates the receiver to the phi, theta and psi angles which are yaw, pitch and roll angles respectively in units of radians. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)unfocus;
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Call like this:
Sets the focused layer to the layer that the receiver is in. After this call any graphics that are inserted or appended are done so to the same layer as the graph. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)updateMainTitleToUFT8String:(const char *)aUTF8String;
| |
Call like this:
Sets the main title of the graph. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)updateXTitleToUFT8String:(const char *)aUTF8String;
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Call like this:
Sets the x-axis title of the graph. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)updateYTitleToUFT8String:(const char *)aUTF8String;
| |
Call like this:
Sets the y-axis title of the graph. | |
@@method(public, instance) (void)updateZTitleToUFT8String:(const char *)aUTF8String;
| |
Call like this:
Sets the z-axis title of the graph. |