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Vvidget ServerDictionary ► Area Graph

This section explains how to form an input string for an area graph such as these:

Type-1, area_color=ff0000Type-1, no area_color
Type-2, area_color=ffff00Type-2, no area_color

The input string has this form:

chart_type=2&chart_subtype=0&chart_format_type=2&title=string&x_title=string&y_title=string&data_1=x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xN yN&data_2=x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xN yN&data_3=x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xN yN&area_color=RRGGBBAA&templates=string

The following table defines the input string key and value pairs:

Chart Specific Entries
KeyValue Description
chart_type¹The chart type is always 2 (aliased to area), indicating an area graph.
chart_subtype¹one of {0, 1, 2, 3} (aliased to {linear , semilog, x-log y-linear, log-log}) for {X-Linear, Y-Linear}, {X-Linear, Y-Log}, {X-Log, Y-Linear} or {X-Log, Y-Log} respectively.
chart_format_type¹An index from 1 to 2 as shown above (1 is aliased to default).
titleThe main title of the graph. If this key is not present then the template's title is used.
x_titleThe x title of the graph. If this key is not present then the template's x-title is used.
y_titleThe y title of the graph. If this key is not present then the template's y-title is used.
data_IA white space delimited list of values representing the x and y values of points in a sequence for curve index I where I starts at 1. See Data Oriented keys for additional information and keys.
label_IA string for the I-th x-label value. I starts at 1. NOTE: If any label key is present then the data x-values are assumed unitless and an arbitrary unit must be assigned. The x-axis minimum starts at zero and runs to (N-1), where N is the maximum label index. To place a data point at each label x-value the data x-values should be the sequence {0, 1, 2, ..., (N-1)} but you may also choose to skip locations where a label is, etc.
area_colorA hex encoded representation of a RGBA color value for the area fill color. If this key is not present then the color table template is used.
templatesA custom Templates directory.

If you incorporate this functionality into your web site please consult Web URL.

You can also modify the following Templates:

Template Document Names
PVST_Area_GraphForms the static attributes for the X-Linear, Y-Linear graph.
PVST_X_Log_Area_GraphForms the static attributes for the X-Log, Y-Linear graph.
PVST_Y_Log_Area_GraphForms the static attributes for the X-Linear, Y-Log graph.
PVST_XY_Log_Area_GraphForms the static attributes for the X-Log, Y-Log graph.
PVST_area_color_tableForms the area colors for odd format type indices.
PVST_area_color_table_1Forms the area colors for even format type indices.

This Area graph image maker inherits the Vvidget prototype definitions of the Line Graph image maker.

The following Server Side Attributes define additional non-graphic attributes. A file with this name in the templates directory will alter the parameters that appear in the attribute file.

Server Side Attributes Names
PVST_Area_Graph_attributesMain server side attributes.

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