Graph User Manual

GraphTasks ► Z Values
a.k.a: Scalars On a Regular 2D Grid

The Z Values task interprets a list of numbers as x-contiguous z-values on a x-y regular grid. The z-values correspond to height of cells on a 3D perspective plot or as cell amplitude on point fill plots. Some things to note about this task follow:

The Z Values task is diagrammed in the following figure.

Data Importing and Exporting Formats


The Z Values tasks implements the representations described in the following table. Remember that Skins can affect the representation and may even alter the representation to not conform to the following descriptions.

Perspective Surface GraphShows a 3D perspective surface graph on a 3D rectilinear coordinate system. Each Z Value is bi-linearly interpolated with adjacent values to form the surface. The color gradation can be altered using Skins.
Perspective Grid GraphShows a 3D perspective surface graph on a 3D rectilinear coordinate system. Each Z Value is connected to adjacent values by a line segment to form the grid.
Point Fill Graph > LinearShows each Z Value mapped to a color within a rectangle of the regular grid cell on a 2D rectilinear coordinate system. The color map can be altered using Skins.
Point Fill Graph > Semi-LogSame as Point Fill Graph > Linear except for a semi-log coordinate system (x-linear, y-log).
Point Fill Graph > X-LogSame as Point Fill Graph > Linear except for a x-log, y-linear coordinate system.
Point Fill Graph > Log-LogSame as Point Fill Graph > Linear except for a x-log, y-log coordinate system.
Point Fill Graph > PolarSame as Point Fill Graph > Linear except for a polar coordinate system.
Point Fill Graph > R-LogSame as Point Fill Graph > Linear except for a polar r-log coordinate system.

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